Monthly Archives: April 2019

New webinar! Multi-animal Households

A new webinar is now available for you to explore. These days in many homes several animals of the same or different species live together. Sometimes problems do arise. In this webinar we take a look at some of them, and how applied zoopharmacognosy and Tellington TTouch can provide some tools to help us overcome [...]

By |2019-04-08T15:44:17+02:00April 8th, 2019|Uncategorised|Comments Off on New webinar! Multi-animal Households

Awareness or…out of sight, out of mind?

Are things always as we imagine them to be? I think not. This morning we took the dogs to the beach. As we walked through the pine grove which borders the beach a black lab came tearing up to us, wagging her tail very fast. She was clearly looking for someone. She was wearing a [...]

By |2019-04-07T17:33:19+02:00April 7th, 2019|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Awareness or…out of sight, out of mind?


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