Monthly Archives: August 2022

Relief Vs Remorse

19/08/2022 Yesterday Squeaky went into one of the travelling crates by herself and I was able to close the door. Until then she had only put her head and shoulders inside to reach the dish with food but yesterday I pushed the dish to the back of the crate. Of course, when she realised that [...]

By |2022-08-26T10:19:45+02:00August 19th, 2022|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Relief Vs Remorse

Summer Challenges and Incompatibilities

When Squeaky had her babies, she showed all the guile and skill needed for a feral cat to survive. We searched high and low but were unable to discover where she had hidden her kittens. We found the box where they were born, but she had moved them by then. In fact, we though they [...]

By |2022-08-19T15:33:07+02:00August 19th, 2022|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Summer Challenges and Incompatibilities
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