
The Power of the Eyes

We are all familiar with the expression “Oculi speculum animae”, the eyes are the mirror of the soul. When we look at another person’s eyes, we can tell a great deal about how that person is feeling at that moment: calm, afraid, angry, sad, depressed, disbelieving… and this information helps us modulate our approach. When [...]

By |2023-10-15T12:12:52+02:00October 15th, 2023|Uncategorised|Comments Off on The Power of the Eyes

A Positive Learning Experience

After a couple of unfortunate incidents with a neighbour’s dog, Salma has been wary about unknown dogs approaching her. Today, she had a positive learning experience! As we parked to start our walk, from the car parked alongside emerged an Englishman man who lives in Madrid with a young vizsla. The man asked whether they [...]

By |2023-08-23T14:04:23+02:00August 23rd, 2023|Uncategorised|Comments Off on A Positive Learning Experience

Weaving is Fun!

Another of Salma’s favourite activities is weaving through the slalom poles. They are not set at the reglamentary distance for agility because my aim here is just to make the activity fun while promoting suppleness through the body bending to both right and left. She weaves both on and off lead and enjoys doing it [...]

By |2022-11-14T11:21:26+01:00November 14th, 2022|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Weaving is Fun!

Emergency Measures

Sometimes things we do with the best of intentions turn into a problematic situation. When the little feral cat turned up on our doorstep in the midst of torrential rain, providing her with food and shelter seemed like the right thing to do. The consequences of this decision have been far-reaching. Then she had her [...]

By |2022-11-14T10:20:32+01:00November 14th, 2022|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Emergency Measures

Arena, Abscesses & Limp

Those of you who have been following my journey with the two horses who are abandoned at our place may remember that they are not at all happy to be touched. This, of course, poses major challenges and has been a source of concern. From time to time, Arena, the mare, has been limping but, [...]

By |2022-09-07T08:58:05+02:00September 7th, 2022|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Arena, Abscesses & Limp

What makes it all worthwhile

At the end of a one day workshop, particularly one on a topic such as reactivity which evokes so many emotions, it is a gift to hear a participant say that she is leaving with hope because she saw improvements in her dog throughout the day, and she could see that he was much calmer [...]

By |2022-03-30T16:31:18+02:00March 30th, 2022|Uncategorised|Comments Off on What makes it all worthwhile

At last! In-person workshops once again!

February 5th. was a red letter day! We had the first in-person Tellington TTouch workshop in over two years. Day two will be on February 12th. It is always heartwarming to see how committed some people are to impriving the life experiences of their pets. It was also great to see the changes, great and [...]

By |2022-02-09T16:11:01+01:00February 9th, 2022|Uncategorised|Comments Off on At last! In-person workshops once again!

Working with Hypersensitivity

Mimi is a 10 year old mini pinscher who came to us with her mother 5 years ago. Unfortunately her mother is no longer with us. Her mother, Ophie, was a stalwart and fearless little dog  but her daughter is quite the opposite, fearful and hypersensitive and this has increased since losing her mother who [...]

By |2021-07-11T14:04:56+02:00July 11th, 2021|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Working with Hypersensitivity

Salma’s second TTouch lead session

Yesterday afternoon we did two exercises. The first was free work. I put out a variety of different surfaces, some smooth and others more rough and a tray with a few plastic balls, and placed pieces of cheese on them. Salma did not have a clue at first but Mimi, who in the past would [...]

By |2021-04-28T15:12:16+02:00April 28th, 2021|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Salma’s second TTouch lead session

The Value of Cooperation

Some years ago during a trip to Guatemala they told me this joke. "A man went to the market where he saw a fishmonger who had two wooden barrels on his stall. In each barrel there were shrimps. One barrel had one price and the other a different, higher price. One barrel was open and [...]

By |2020-12-15T15:02:01+01:00December 15th, 2020|TTouch|Comments Off on The Value of Cooperation
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